DOCK 6.4 For version 6.4, recent improvements to the sampling implementation and corrections to prevent steric clashes that have been mentioned on the Dock-fans list [1] are incorporated here. NEW IN DOCK 6.4 ###Internal Energy### During growth and minimization, an internal energy scoring function can be used. The goal of the internal energy function is to reduce the occurrence of internal clashes during the torsional optimization. This function computes the repulsive Lennard-Jones term between all ligand atom pairs, excluding all 1-2, 1-3, and 1-4 pairs. (Currently, attractive Lennard-Jones and Coulombic terms are neglected; the aim is to eliminate internal clashes not to optimize the internal geometry. In addition, since there is no dihedral term in the force field, if the attractive terms are included, the molecule might appear less physical.) The internal energy can be cut on or off; if cut on, it is always used and is reported in the final energy. If it is cut off, it is never used. The pruning during growth is done by considering both the internal and interaction energies. We recommend its use. Note that DOCK 6.3 also had an internal energy function however it was only used in final minimization and not during growth. The modifications have greatly improved the behavior of the Anchor and Grow algorithm. ###Growth Tree and Statistics### Dock uses Breadth First Search to sample the conformational space of the ligand. The tree is pruned at every stage of growth to remove unsuitable conformations. In order to be as space efficient as possible, DOCK only saves one level of growth at a time unless "write_growth_tree" is turned on. In order to construct the growth tree it was necessary to do the following: (1) Retain all levels of growth (before and after minimization) in memory. (2) Link every conformer to its parent conformer during growth. (3) While writing out the tree, the traversal starts from a fully grown ligand (leaf), moving up the branch (parent conformer) until the ligand anchor (root) is reached. Finally, the growth tree branch is printed as a multi-mol2 file starting from the anchor to the fully grown ligand, including minimizations. This newly implemented feature allows visualization of all stages of growth. Note that the growth trees can easily be visualized using the Viewdock module in the UCSF chimera program. Extra information regarding conformer number, anchor number, parent conformer, etc. can also be accessed directly using this tool. The verbose growth statistics feature is useful for debugging incomplete growths and other possible issues with the growth routines. This feature is also useful to show progress when docking larger peptide-like ligands (twenty or more rotatable bonds) which can take several hours. In the example below, cumulative timings in seconds (e.g., t=16.75s) are shown at the end of each line to allow quick profiling of the slowest steps during docking. A separate section is printed for each anchor sampled when using multiple anchors. For anchor #1, the orienting routine produces 998 orients, and 41 are retained after clustering and minimization. The ligand has 7 rotatable bonds. The second line shows the assignment of layers and segments. For details on the terminology, please consult the DOCK 4 paper. Subsequently, two lines of information are printed for each torsion sampled. VERBOSE GROWTH STATS : ANCHOR #1 41/998 anchor orients retained (max 1000) t=16.75s Lyr 1-1 Segs|Lyr 2-1 Segs|Lyr 3-2 Segs|Lyr 4-2 Segs|Lyr 5-1 Segs| Lyr:1 Seg:0 Bond:8 : Sampling 6 dihedrals C6( C4( C3(C.3) C1(C.3) Lyr:1 Seg:0 21/246 retained, Pruning: 2-outside grid 5-score 218-clustered (62 in growth tree) t=20.92s Lyr:2 Seg:0 Bond:5 : Sampling 3 dihedrals C4( C3(C.3) C1(C.3) N1(N.3) Lyr:2 Seg:0 57/63 retained, Pruning: 1-score 5-clustered (119 in growth tree) t=22.36s Lyr:3 Seg:0 Bond:1 : Sampling 3 dihedrals C3(C.3) C1(C.3) N1(N.3) S1(S.o2) Lyr:3 Seg:0 105/171 retained, Pruning: 1-outside grid 9-score 56-clustered (224 in growth tree) t=27s Lyr:3 Seg:1 Bond:3 : Sampling 6 dihedrals N4( C2(C.2) C1(C.3) C3(C.3) Lyr:3 Seg:1 67/630 retained, Pruning: 16-score 547-clustered (291 in growth tree) t=48.8s Lyr:4 Seg:0 Bond:43 : Sampling 3 dihedrals C16( S1(S.o2) N1(N.3) C1(C.3) Lyr:4 Seg:0 100/201 retained, Pruning: 101-clustered (391 in growth tree) t=56.67s Lyr:4 Seg:1 Bond:26 : Sampling 2 dihedrals C11(C.3) N4( C2(C.2) C1(C.3) Lyr:4 Seg:1 154/200 retained, Pruning: 13-score 33-clustered (545 in growth tree) t=73.21s Lyr:5 Seg:0 Bond:46 : Sampling 6 dihedrals C17( C16( S1(S.o2) N1(N.3) Lyr:5 Seg:0 99/924 retained, Pruning: 30-score 795-clustered (644 in growth tree) t=179.43s Lyr:1 Seg:0 indicates that this is Layer #1 and Segment #0. Layer and segment numbers start from zero and correspond to the array indices used internally. Bond:8 refers to the bond number in the mol2 file. "Sampling 6 dihedrals C6( C4( C3(C.3) C1(C.3)" specifies the exact torsion being sampled. Six dihedral positions are being sampled in this case, as determined by the drive_id in flex_drive.tbl. 21/246 retained means 21 conformers were retained from the 246 conformers generated during growth (41 conformers x 6 dihedral positions = 246 new conformers). The Pruning section demonstrates how these 246-21=225 conformers were pruned: 2 conformers were outside the energy grid, 5 conformers exceeded the score cut-off (see pruning_conformer_score_cutoff) and 218 conformers were clustered. Typically clustering removes the greatest number of conformers during each torsion grown as controlled by the pruning_clustering_cutoff parameter. The reader is encouraged to verify that the number of conformers retained can be calculated as above at each stage of growth. If the growth tree is turned on, the total number of conformers stored in the growth tree are also reported. ###Database Filter### The Database Filter is designed for on-the-fly filtering of small molecules from the database during docking. Filtering small molecules by heavy atoms, rotatable bonds, molecular weight and formal charge is currently supported. This routine is designed to be modular so that other descriptors can be easily added. The default values are deliberately set to allow most small molecules to pass through. One use of this routine would be to partition a database into subsets such as "0-7 rotbonds" or "300-500 molwt" or "neutral charge". Another use would be to exclude ligands that are too small (<200 amu) or too large (>500 amu) for a particular target. This routine can also be used to filter a database without performing any docking. ###Pre-minimization### Pre-minimization, which explores only the torsional (N) degrees of freedom, occurs prior to standard minimization. Note that if 500 iterations of standard minimization and 20 iterations of torsion pre-minimization are specified, at most 520 steps of minimization will be performed. The motivation for using the torsion pre-minimizer is to optimize the torsions before translating. This parameter should only be used in cases where the growth tree reveals that the minimizer is translating a correctly oriented scaffold to relieve clashes instead of adjusting the torsions first. Alternatively, the restraint minimization routine could be used (see below). ###Restrained Minimization### We have implemented an "RMSD tether": Erestraint = k * RMSD ^ 2. If simplex_restraint_min is yes then every time the minimizer is called the conformer is restrained to the initial conformation passed to the minimizer. Only the active heavy atoms are used in the calculation. If this function is used during growth, the entered conformer grown so far is restrained including the most recently grown torsion. This ensures considerably less movement during minimization. ###Miscellaneous### The test suite now contains reference outputs from a 64 bit platform (x86_64). Several configuration files have been added; thanks to Carlos P Sosa et al. for work on the ones for the Blue Genes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEPRECATED FEATURES 1. Elimination of the final minimization functionality from the code. We believe that it is no longer needed with the better behavior of Anchor and Grow. 2. The Internal Energy function was moved from flexible growth. The Internal Energy function is able to be used for all docking and minimization calculations. 3. For a variety of reasons still under active development, amber_score cannot effectively be used as a secondary_score. This function was temporarily deprecated in 6.1, and using input parameter amber_score_secondary causes program termination. The recommended protocol is to perform two DOCK runs with the second run specifying amber_score as the primary_score. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUG FIXES Some bug reports have not yet been processed, but several important bugs have been fixed since the last release. For DOCK: For the uses of multiple anchors fragments (choose of different portions of the molecule) a C++ vector was not properly cleared. This was resolved The orienting bug fix has been added and validated through visualization. The resolution of the clash problem for highly flexible ligands (Rotatable bonds > 7) has been accomplished by inclusion of an internal energy function at every stage of growth. The internal energy function can be cut on or off and will always or never be used, respectively. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INPUT PARAMETER CHANGES AND THEIR DEFAULT VALUES Added: use_database_filter [no] (yes, no) dbfilter_max_heavy_atoms [999] (int) dbfilter_min_heavy_atoms [0] (int) dbfilter_max_rot_bonds [999] (int) dbfilter_min_rot_bonds [0] (int) dbfilter_max_molwt [9999.0] (float) dbfilter_min_molwt [0.0] (int) dbfilter_max_formal_charge [10.0] (float) dbfilter_min_formal_charge [-10.0] (float) write_growth_tree [no] (yes, no) simplex_tors_premin_iterations [0] (int) simplex_grow_tors_premin_iterations [0] (int) simplex_restraint_min [yes] (yes, no) simplex_coefficient_restraint [10.0] (float) Removed: internal_energy_att_exp internal_energy_dielectric simplex_final_min [no] (yes, no) simplex_final_max_iterations [0] (int) simplex_final_min_rep_rad_scale [1.0] (float) simplex_final_min_add_internal [no] (yes, no) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FILE FORMAT CHANGES For DOCK: The label for Grid Score changes from ########## Grid Score: ########## vdw: ########## es: to ########## Grid Score: ########## Grid_vdw: ########## Grid_es: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REFERENCES 1.